Meili Robots Is Not a Competitor of AMR and AGV Manufacturers
Q: “Is Meili Robots a competitor of AMR and AGV Manufacturers, with AMR stands for Autonomous Mobile Robots, and AGV refers to Automated Guided Vehicle?
On behalf of Meili Robots, our founder & CEO answered “No.”
A: “The short answer is no. They do have their own fleet management systems. However, it goes back to the core problem that if the customers have a diverse fleet, they still cannot communicate with the other robots.
I'm going to reference other large players and users of robots — our customers — they have actually said that if the robots aren't open and we can use a third-party solution or a universal solution to control the robots, we're just not going to buy them.
So the robot manufacturers have actually admitted that this is a requirement on the market, hence they actually give us support, as if no one's buying their robots. If they are open to a solution such as Meili Robots’s that would mean that they can still sell robots and knowing that this bottleneck or hindrance, which is the problem at the moment, would be reduced or almost eliminated.
So we benefit from them selling robots and they benefit that we provide the solution that can connect their robots to others — a universal platform.
So no, I don't see us as competitors and they don't see us as competitors either. It's pretty healthy, hand in hand
The question was asked after our pitch to angels at Keystones Studio with Kenneth Helmer Larsen.
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About Meili Robots
Meili Robots is developing the next-generation of mobile robots fleet management, called Meili FMS. A universal digital solution, an all-in-one platform that is capable of handling different kinds of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Enable traffic control, empower interoperability and facilitate automated task allocation — all via intuitive UI. Check our website to learn about our products. Contact us to find out more: