Revolutionising Robotics: Meili Robots Joins Forces with WAKU Robotics

The robot revolution is upon us, ready to transform the way robots are deployed and managed across industries. Recognising the importance of a superior software stack for ensuring reliable robot operations, Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics have forged a groundbreaking partnership to deliver just that.

Together with WAKU Robotics, a leader in cutting-edge robotics solutions, we aim to provide robot manufacturers with a superior software stack that combines the advanced capabilities of WAKU Care with Meili Robots’ unparalleled expertise in fleet management for mobile robots.

Elevating Robotics with Enhanced Software Integration

At the core of this partnership lies a dedication to provide state-of-the-art user experiences and a robust set of features, set to revolutionise the deployment and management of robots across various industries. By harnessing the synergies between Meili Robots’ universal fleet management system and WAKU Care's advanced functionalities, this collaboration promises to accelerate the adoption of robotics across diverse sectors.

WAKU Care stands as a collaborative tool, empowering robot manufacturers, system integrators, and end-customers of mobile robots to ensure uptime and utilisation of their devices. Digitalising all critical after-sales processes, such as maintenance, repair, and spare part management, WAKU Care streamlines operations and enhances efficiency throughout the robot lifecycle.

Meanwhile, Meili FMS optimises operational efficiency and safety through three key features: Mission Management, which comprehensively oversees automated and manual robot assignments; Traffic Control, autonomously managing fleet traffic in real-time to prevent collisions and bottlenecks; and Route Planning, streamlining productivity and preempting obstructions or delays to maximise fleet performance.

Empowering Industries with Enhanced Robotic Solutions

The integration of Meili Robots’ universal fleet management system with WAKU Care's cutting-edge functionalities represents a significant leap forward in the robotics landscape. With enhanced reliability, efficiency, and scalability, robot manufacturers and integrators can now leverage a powerful software stack that empowers them to meet the ever-increasing demands of their customers and stay ahead of the competition.

One of the key benefits of this partnership is the accelerated pace of robot adoption across industries. By providing robot manufacturers with a comprehensive solution that tackles operational hurdles and boosts overall performance, Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics are laying the groundwork for widespread integration of robotics into various sectors, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and beyond.

Unveiling the Future of Robotics

The collaboration between Meili and WAKU Robotics signifies a paradigm shift in the robotics ecosystem, where innovation and collaboration converge to drive transformative change.

Victor Splittgerber, CEO & Co-Founder of WAKU Robotics, expresses his excitement for this partnership:

“We are excited to work with Meili Robots, since our service and maintenance tool fits perfectly into the offering of Meili Robots. Adding these functionalities to the fleet management product of Meili Robots, gives OEMs a complete solution to manage and operate their robot fleets.”

In addition, our CEO & Founder, Aldus von der Burg, highlights that:

“Meili Robots is ecstatic to work with Waku Robotics. Maintenance and service tools for the mobile robot industry is a highly valuable facilitator to keeping robots healthy and operational for a long service life. Waku will enable the users of robots to maintain their fleet and for robot vendors to get valuable insights into the multiple use case information the robots are put through.”

By delivering a superior software stack that ensures reliable robot operations and enhances user experiences, this collaboration is poised to accelerate the adoption of robotics across industries. With Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics at the forefront, the robot revolution really does hold limitless potential!


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